Anne Marie Laureys / Galerie Sofie Lachaert, Tielrode, Belgium
October 12 – November 16, 2014
For Anne Marie Laureys, making is exploring the physical laws of the material. She creates spacious, fine, delicate forms that reveal the speed, fluency and the plasticity of clay. Into the thrown and altered forms she puts an extremely personal sensibility that goes hand in hand with the tension and flexibility of a wet pot. The forms are the result of a very physical and tangible human gesture, which has an air of mystery and sensuality, while also evoking a variety of other senses.
The process starts by throwing a classic, symmetrical pot. While the clay is still soft, malleable and wet, she pulls, folds, pinches and punctures—the tension of the clay underneath her fingers dictating the way the folds will take shape. This process is a physical exploration of action, reaction and interaction between hand, mind and material. Anne Marie takes her time finding the shape of a bowl, remoulding and refolding the clay over and over again.
She is eager to combine ceramics with emotions. By restricting to recipients, she offers herself the opportunity to let in this fragile, vulnerable atmosphere. Anne Marie continues exploring the vesselforms, their universality, and aims to deconstruct, develop, research the idea of ‘the’ vessel, the container. There is a need for a constant dialogue between the thrown form—the skin, the exterior—and the emotional interior that indicates a possibility of limitlessness. She wants to break out of the rim, the lip of a thrown form, the limit. She lengthens the movement hidden in the container. She goes beyond the vessel. Looking for a focuss on the body, playing with the movements that collide. Hiding the inside, by framing the outside. The fusion of two vessel forms creates three-dimensional physical forms that are floating, levitated by the power of the motions that come together. The bottom and rim of the vessel have changed location. The exterior of the form creates a dialogue with the interior emotion hidden inside the object.
Gallery hours: Friday through Sunday, 11am – 6pm, and by appointment.
E: info@lachaert.com
T: +32 3 7111963
Galerie Sofie Lachaert
St. Jozefstraat 30
Above: Anne Marie Laureys, (left) Snow White & Dopey, 2014, Stoneware, glaze, 32 x 22 x 17 cm. (right) Snow White & Sleepy, 2014, Stoneware, glaze, 23 x 17 x 17 cm.
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