Gareth Mason: More is more / Jason Jacques Gallery, New York
January 22 – February 22, 2014
We are very excited to invite you to our newest exhibition with our first contemporary master ceramicist Gareth Mason. Following a show at the American Museum of Ceramic Art and an exhibition at the Korea Cultural Center in London. Gareth will be having his second solo exhibition at Jason Jacques Gallery. We are Publishing a 200 page catalog of Gareth’s work and the first publication of a series of letters between Gareth Mason and Ceramics collector Richard Jacobs which is a discourse of the nature of art and ceramics collecting. We are planning a series of lectures between Gareth Mason and his favorite Collector Richard Jacobs more information in the new year.
Gareth Mason new sculptural vessels are inspired by humanity’s connection to fire “Fire is humanity’s muse. Since the earliest humans pondered the nature of the sun, fire has captivated us with its mysterious force. Hominid fire — progenitor of dreams — spur to our noblest and most terrifying achievements, key to our aspirations and inextricable from the survival of our race, it burns literally and metaphorically in a place distinct from all other stimuli and matter. No wonder then that fire holds such creative potency for the human brain; as we gaze into its depths we ever behold a power of poetic and epic proportions. Of all the arts; silicate, ferric, kinetic, dramatic, sonic, plastic; of whatever place in the assumed hierarchy of creative genres, ceramics offers a unique spotlight on this most potent element. Through ceramics, it is possible to ‘fire’ the imagination and the spirit because ceramic metamorphosis is redolent of human experience. This belief underpins all my ceramic work. The igneous fusion of materials is analogous to human emotion. This is fertile ground for creative exploration and discovery.
The gallery is open by appointment 7 days a week.
Tel. 212.535.7500
Jason Jacques Gallery
29 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
Above: Gareth Mason (from left to right),
Inner Surveillance, 2010, Stoneware, Porcelain, Vitreous Slips, Shards, Lustre.
Precisions Instrument, 2011-2013, Porcelain, Stoneware, Ceramic Detritus, Glaze, Lustre.
Chattel, 2011-2013, Stoneware, Porcelain, Glaze, Lustre, Ceramic Detritus.
Tapies, 2012, Porcelain, Glaze, Lustre.
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