Jamie Bates Slone, BIO, 2012, Coil built white earthenware, paint, and digital video projection, 29 x 28 x 18 in.
Jamie Bates Slone, BIO (alternate view), 2012.
Jamie Bates Slone, BIO (alternate view), 2012.
Jamie Bates Slone, Protastatic Homeostasis, 2013, Coil built white earthenware, paint, and digital video projection, 17.5 x 36.6 x 13 in.
Jamie Bates Slone, Protastatic Homeostasis, 2013, Coil built white earthenware, paint, and digital video projection, 17.5 x 36.6 x 13 in.
19. Jamie Bates Slone, Protastatic Homeostasis (detail), 2013.
Jamie Bates Slone, It’s in Your Head, 2014, Coil built white earthenware, underglaze, and digital video projection, 7 x 9.5 x 8 in.
Jamie Bates Slone, It’s in Your Head, 2014, Coil built white earthenware, underglaze, and digital video projection, 7 x 9.5 x 8 in.
Projected onto life-size, coil built figures, are a series of macro images of my casted work. The projections engulf and overwhelm the figures, as do my anxieties and fears for my health, the health of loved ones and cancer itself.
Created: 2012-2014