Nina Gerada
Nina Gerada is a London based artist, designer and educator. She is a graduate of London Metropolitan University (2011), The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL (2006) and Chelsea College of Art (2003) and is a Higher Education Teaching Fellow (2018).
Gerada is from Malta, a multilingual island at the centre of the Mediterranean: a place that has been occupied by many, with a diverse mix of British, European, North African, Eastern and Western influences. This background, combined with being a migrant to the UK, influences her work, raising questions on the female, immigrant and post-colonial experience. Her training in architecture and urban design are evident in the vast scales and spatial preoccupation of her work.
She has exhibited with Thrown Contemporary at Collect 2022 and London Craft Week (2021), and in various exhibitions about women’s bodies: ‘Maternochronics’ (2021) and ‘Lets talk Breast’ (2019). Her ‘Nollini’ sculptures were featured in Wired Magazine (July 2021). In her work as a Production Designer, Gerada won the Best Production Design Award at the Bridges International Film Festival (2014). Her maps were exhibited in ‘Exploring the Political Agency of Mapping and Maps’ UCL (2012) and feature in ‘Uncommon Malta & Gozo’ (2011). In her work as an Urban Designer she has designed strategies for Bank, Soho and Liverpool Street in London.
Visit Nina Gerada’s website and Instagram page.
Featured work
Selected works, 2018-2022