Joke Raes: Selected works, 2017-2020
Slumber poèm, 2020
Slumber poèm, 2020, ceramic, 2mx28cmx2m. Work made during a residency at Sundaymorning@ekwc
Masks, 2020
Masks, 2020, 26x9x16 cm, porcelain. Series of unique porcelain masks made during a residency at Sundaymorning@ekwc
Japanese Masks, 2018
Japanese Masks, 2018, 30x18x9 cm, Japanese porcelain. Unique masks made in the creative residency in Arita, Saga, Japan.
Wild Walks, 2018
Wild Walks, 2018, 33x4x23 cm, Japanese porcelain. Joke Raes’s imaginary inner walks, made during her artist residency in the south of Japan. Shown in Osaka, Tokyo Japan, at White house gallery and de Mijlpaal gallery, in Belgium
Fragile, 2017
Fragile, 2017, 58x13x39 cm, ceramic. Nightly waves that Joke Raes made during her working period in the European ceramic center (Sundaymorning@ekwc).
Photos courtesy of the artist.