Kensuke Yamada: Selected works, 2021-2024
I moved to the United States from Japan a little over 20 years ago as a foreign exchange student. My story begins with the limited knowledge of the English language I came here with. My primary commonality with other people and my surroundings was human gestures: facial expressions, body motions, the darting of a hand, or the blinking of an eye.
In my struggle to learn the language and communicate through speech, I gained a strong empathy for the universal experiences that seem to provide the undercurrent to language through art. I gained awareness of the complexities of our daily functions and the social infrastructures that subtly guide these interactions.
In my sculpture, I seek figurative extensions of these shared experiences. The vocabulary consists of gestures, patterns, textures, colors and rhythms. In conversation, these qualities bring the figure to life.
With clay, I look for sculptural conversations that evoke the beauty, the subtleties, the sadness, and the humor of our everyday life. Viewing my sculpture, I hope people enjoy the moment, rather than the movement of time. I hope for my work to fill the space between two seemingly distant things, to provide a connection and thus create the story of you and me.
- Nikochan Daiō, 2023, Ceramics, Mixed media, 42″Hx30″Wx20″DP
- Who is the monster, 2024, Ceramics, 43H” x 21W” x 10″DP
- Head, 2023, Ceramics, 11.5″Hx8″Wx7″DP
- As I am you will be, 2021, Ceramics, 35″Hx13″Wx13″DP
- Astro boy, 2023, Ceramics, Ceramics, 51″Hx14″Wx15″DP
- Head, 2023, Ceramics, 15″Hx13″Wx12″DP
- Doggo, 2023, Ceramics, 25″Hx17″Wx16″DP
- Girl, 2023, Ceramics, 43″Hx24″Wx14″DP
- I wish to always be there for you, 2023, Ceramics, 39″Hx 27″W x 16″DP
- Brat, 2022, Ceramics, 45″Hx19″Wx12″DP
- My mind & Me, 2022, Ceramics, Mixed media, 42.5″H x 21″W x 8″DP
- Arm Strong, 2022, Ceramics, 41.5″Hx25″Wx1-.5″DP
- Arm Strong, 2022, Ceramics, 42.5″H x 25″W x 9″DP
- I forgot I have friends, 2022, Ceramics, 45″Hx23″Wx12″DP
- Mickey mouse Me, 2021, Ceramics, 23.5″Hx15″Wx13″DP
- Cat, 2022, Ceramics, 53”H x 24”W x 21”DP
- You and Me, 2022, Ceramics, 50″Hx18″Wx11″DP
- NAH-NAH-NAH, 2021, Ceramics, 38.5″Hx16″Wx11″DP
- Head, 2022, Ceramics, 22.5”Hx18”Wx16”DP