Pascale Klingelschmitt: Selected works, 2017-2022
Les échappées, 2020-2022

Inspired by science, the ceramic pieces unfold in glass jars that refer to the laboratory experiment. Their origin is not clearly defined; organic and/or vegetal forms are more or less recognizable and question the living by feeding and stimulating the questioning. The pieces fit into the jar and escape from it, giving them an independent life. The uncontrolled expansions and the frozen and preserved elements keep the imprint of the living and the elapsed moment.
Les échappées, 2020-2022, porcelaine, verre, selette, dimensions variables
Dichotomie et porosité, 2018

In botany, dichotomy means a mode of branching by successive division into two branches.
The principle of branching is used to designate two worlds often put in opposition: the internal and the external, the animal and the plant, by a relationship of hybridization. The ambiguity is displayed by a connection to the body and a volume setting by two materials (earth and glass), allowing nesting and hybridizations.
A dialogue wants to be established through this dichotomy that tries to unify these universes and thus break these codes of belonging.
Dichotomie et porosité, 2018, porcelaine, verre, dimensions variables
De la nature des choses, 2018

Through a projection of light inducing a change of scale, the intention is to move from the micro to the macro in an immersive atmosphere on a human scale and to be immersed in the eyepiece of a microscope revealing contrary movements: the living, the inert, the recognizable, the imaginary as well as the omnipresence of the relationship with the body.
Light is a material in its own right, as is white for color. Visibly, the hallo of light concentrates the vision circumscribed to the circle to recall the eyepiece of the microscope.
De la nature des choses, 2018, installation, porcelaine, projection lumineuse ∅ 2,20 m
Substrat, 2017-2020

The installation is plunged into darkness, like a laboratory experiment placed on light tables by an ascending light inducing intrigue and curiosity. The jars filled with water are reminiscent of the living; water allowing a magnifying glass effect and lighting of the porcelain volume.
Substrat, 2017-2020, installation, porcelaine, bocaux, eau, tables lumineuses
Oriri, 2017-2019

In Latin, at the origin of, begin to appear, form, and arise.
The installation is inspired by the attempt to define the living made by Onsacher and Morowitz (American biophysicists)
“Life is the property of matter which is expressed in an aqueous solution through the association of the cycles of bio-elements and which, finally, tends to the greatest possible complexity under the effect of the energy of the radiation provided.”
Oriri, 2017, porcelaine, boîte de Pétri en verre, ∅20cm x 20/25cm