Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019 Wookjae Maeng, A Secret Forest, 2019
Wookjae Maeng: A Secret Forest, 2019
A Secret Forest, 2019, Porcelain, Wood, Paper, Wire, Fabric, Metal Structure, 170 x 170 x 240 cm
The work was exhibited at the International Competition 2019, Icheon World Ceramic Center, Icheon, Korea
How many attentions are we give in the global crisis from the environmental changes around us? The looming environmental crisis coming to us slowly and selfish indifference to other creatures are pushing the serious reality out of our mind as if it were in another world. I want to show people a different side of the natural environment of reality hidden in our indifference through the exhibition.
The work shows a hidden scene of an ecosystem that is neglected amid human-centered environmental changes. The combination of creatures that exist and do not exist is expressed as ‘A Secret Forest’ hidden in our indifference.
The work, “A Secret Forest” is displayed as a single installation consisting of various animals and plants. Some of the various types of life installed are modified by human-centered thought and behavior, and are also deformed. And the works are installed in one hidden space. Audiences are attracted by the excitement of light and sound, and are exposed to the works in a way that overlooks the hidden space.
‘A Secret Forest’ that can see through niches will give audiences a recognition of environmental change and the importance of various life relationships.
Various animal and plant-shaped objects are installed within a circular space about 1.5 meters in diameter. The previous work, ‘A Garden’ was a horizontal installation, but ‘A Secret Forest’ together with its vertical construction makes it a more three-dimensional space. After the various objects are composed, the surroundings of the work are covered with elastic sheets with cylindrical frames. And inside of the hidden space, light and prepared sound are installed. If people look at the work from a distance, they will see it as a large column with a gleaming light. However, the audience, attracted by the light and sound, can watch the inside through the gaps, or use their hands to look at the scenery inside.
The audience will sneak a peek the reality of the ecosystem carefully. This will help people realize the reality that we were indifferent to and at the same time increase audience’s concentration.